Ggourmay is the brand that my dear friend came up with after being the beneficiary of many Ggourmay meals. We actually own an online marketing company and thought, "Hey, what would be a great name for my website?" Since my name is Ginger and my last name is May, it just seemed to fit. So, "Ggourmay" was born.
I grew up in a family where food was the center of many family gatherings with all the aunts and uncles and cousins. On my mom's side of the family, we have a ton of relatives. There were 11 children in her family and all of my aunts were stellar chefs in their own right. They were what everyone calls "one of the old-timers". I guess that was because they were all older than us kids and they had tons of experience in the field, on the farm, and in the kitchen. They never measured anything and all they could tell you was to "add a little bit of this and a pinch of that". So I watched them cook a whole lot as a child.
Now on my dad's side of the family, I had only one relative that I took away one dessert from which was "pear salad". It consisted of a canned pear half, a dollop of mayonnaise, a pinch of cheddar cheese, and topped off with a cherry. At my young age, I thought that was the yummiest dessert yet. Now, my dad was never in the best of health, and my mom's side of the family mostly all lived into their late 80's and 90's. So, I knew I had some great genes on her side of the family and some not as great genes on my dad's. As a teenager, this is what caused me to want to be more health-conscious. I was always playing sports as a kid and went on to major in recreation and sports in college.
As I moved into my early 30's, I started learning from a friend how to cook with spices. Well, this changed everything for me. All I had know as a kid growing up in this big family was the southern way of "country cooking". Using spices became a creative way to cook that I had not experienced before, but I loved it. Then my journey began! I started watching all of those tv shows about cooking and learned more and more as the years went by.
I hope you will enjoy the recipes that I will share here on my website and that you will share them with the people and friends you love most.
Food is all about sitting around a table with family and friends, laughing and reminiscing about all that matters in life to each person. Food is a feeling as much as it is a taste. I look forward to getting to know those who join my social media pages. Feel free to reach out whenever you have your own food experience to share.